Dicom Unit Symbol Convention
When you use units in calculation or conversion you can express that in Dicom Calculator and Dicom Document in one of the the followoing three manners:
1. Unit symbols without any braces - these are the unit symbols standarised by International System of Unit (SI).
m. - metre
ft. - feet
mi. - miles
2. Unit symbols with curly braces {} - these are not standard symbols but widely used.
{inch.} - inches
{km.} -kilometres
{cm.} - centimetres
3. Unit symbols with square braces [] - these are non-standard symbols and also not widely used.
[fath.] - fathom
[micron.] - micro metre
In all of the cases above use of period (.) next to the unit symbol is optional. Also the use of {} or [] are optional.When the option "File > Preferences... > Calculation and Editing > Check keywords" is checked on (by default it is on) any unit symbol written is automatically reformatted in Dicom Calculator and Dicom Document.
That means you can write {inch.} in any of the following manner:
and even [inch] or [inch.]
Dicom will reformat to its standard convention - {inch.}
Dicom unit conversion calculator is available here for free download.
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