Some Useful Shortcut Keys for Dicom Unit Conversion Calculator
1. Calculate document
Press [F8]
2. Apply expression begin and end tags to the selected text
Method (1) Press [F4]
Method (2) Click [XB] or [XE] button on Dicom Calculator
3. Calculate Expression entered on calculator
Method (1) Press [ENTER]
Method (2) Click [Enter] or [En] button on Dicom Calculator
4. Calculate Expression entered in Dicom document (calculate immediately on the input document)
If expression is not enclosed between begin and end tags follow step 2, then press [F5]
In another way: select expression + Press [F4] + Press [F5]
5. Check a Keyword in an expression on Dicom Document
Auto Check keywords is off (File > Preferences... > Calculation and Editing > Check Keywords) keywords can still be checked on Dicom document by pressing [F2]. The single keyword for units or functions, which the cursor is on, will be checked and autoformatted.
6. Check Keywords in Dicom Calculator
Auto check keyword option works on Dicom document. But same option for Dicom Calculator can be toggled on/off by pressing [F6]
7. Superscript and Subscript
[Ctrl+] and [Ctrl-] keys can be used to format (toggled on/off) selected text as superscript and subscript. Dicom can deal with superscripts within an expression too! For example, you can write ft^2 or ft with a superscripted 2 to mean "square of a foot".
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