Thursday, July 20, 2006

Date and Time Functions in Dicom Unit Conversion Calculator

Dicom conversion calculator has numerous built in date and time functions. Discussed here are some of the most commonly used ones:

  • Cdate( [date_args] ) - returns date part of the date/time specified by the parameters
  • Ctime( [date_args] ) - returns time part of the date/time specified by the parameters
  • Cdatex( [date_args] ) - returns date and time specified by the parameters

date_args in each of the cases is optional. When date_args is omitted the functions return current date and time as appropriate.

That means:

  • Cdate() = Current Date. The Today() function also produces same output.
  • Ctime() = Current Time
  • Cdatex() = Current Date and Time. The Now() function also returns same output.

Date Parameters

In place of date_args you can optionaly specify day, month, year, hour, minute and second.

date_args = day [, month [, [year [, [hour [, [minute [, second ] ] ] ] ] ]

The defults for missing parameters are assumed as month=January, year=0001, hour=00, minute=00, and second=00.

Thus, the valid syntaxes for the Cdate() function are:

Cdate() = current date
Cdate(20) = 20 January 0001
Cdate(20,2) = 20 February 0001
Cdate(20,2,2006) = 20 February 2006

Ctime() = current time
Ctime(20,2,2006) = 00:00:00
Ctime(20,2,2006,13) = 13:00:00
Ctime(20,2,2006,13,30) = 13:15:00
Ctime(20,2,2006,13,30,5) = 13:15:05

Cdatex() function works in a similar manner also.

There are many date/time related functions in dicom that require date_args, for example:

  • Age( [date_args] ) - Seconds elapsed between current and speified date/time
  • Cdow( [date_args] ) - Name of the day of the week
  • Cmonth( [date_args] ) - Name of the month
  • Day( [date_args] ) - Day of the month
  • DayNum( [date_args] ) - Day serial of the year, 1 January being 1st day
  • DaySerial( [date_args] ) - Day serial since 01-Jan-0001
  • Dow( [date_args] ) - Day of the week (0=Sunday, 6=Saturday)
  • DowISO( [date_args] ) - ISO day of the week (0=Moday, 6=Sunday)
  • Month( [date_args] ) - Month no (1-12) of the year
  • Second( [date_args] ) - Seconds elapsed since 01-Jan-0001 00:00:00
  • WeekNum( [date_args] ) - Week no (1-52) of the year
  • WeekNumISO( [date_args] ) - ISO week no (0-52) of the year
  • Year( [date_args] ) - Year of the date

Note that in each of the above functions date_args are optional and if you don't specify it, current date/time will be assumed.

You can assign the ouput of Cdate(), Ctime() or Cdatex() functions to a memory variable and use that variable in place of date_args as well.


LandingOnMoon = Cdate(16, 7, 1969); TimePassed = Age(LandingOnMoon)

You may also use: Age(16, 7, 1969)